التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

صدفة سيئة للأسف

Gaunt Apple boss Steve Jobs bravely battles back after claims he has weeks to live

هذه صدفة سيئة أتت بعد كتابتي للموضوع السابق .. أتمنى حقاً أن لا تصدق تلك التقارير , لكن الأمر من ذلك هو مصير الشركة بعد ذلك.

كنت أود أن أناقش فكرة موقف المستثمر من شراء أسهم شركة أبل , حيث أثار فضولي موقع MONEY CONE حيث دعى إلى فكرة شراء أسهم شركة أبل بدل من شراء منتجاتها.

الموقع يعرض ما إذا كنت بدل من شراء منتج أبل (باللون الأزرق) قمت بدفع نفس المبلغ لشراء أسهم أبل , كم ستربح اليوم (باللون الأحمر).

Ipod 1G 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
If you had bought Apple shares instead of the original iPod when it was released in October of 2001, you would be sitting on a return on investment of $16,073.78 on your original $399! That’s a return of 3928.52%.
IMac G5 Rev. A front 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
In August of 2004, Apple released the gorgeous all-in-one iMac G5 for $1299. Instead, had you invested this amount on Apple shares, your shares would be worth$27,013.41 today! A return of 1979.56%!
Mac Mini 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
The Mac Mini, the first ‘affordable’ Mac, retailed for $499 when it was introduced in 2005. You could’ve made $5,544.93 or 1011.21% return on your investment!
iMac Intel 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
Apple’s great switcheroo! Apple decided to ditch it’s anti-Intel stance and embrace it instead in 2006 with the all new Intel iMac!. The price? $1299. Your returns today?$5,762.44! A return of 343.61%!
Original iPhone 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
Apple shook the smart phone world with the introduction of the iPhone in June 2007. You could get an iPhone with 2 year contract for $399. But the same invested in Apple shares (not counting monthly fees) would’ve netted you $1,172.18 or a gain of193.78%!
IPhone 3G 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
The iPhone with a speed bump – Apple introduced the iPhone 3G for $99 in July 2008.107.76% or $205.67 gain, had you purchased Apple shares on that day!
Mac 17 inch unibody 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
The MacBook Unibody! In the beginning of 2009, Apple introduced the Unibody Macbook for $2799 for the 17″ version. The same amount in equivalent Apple shares would’ve netted you $10,797.30 or a gain of 285.76%!
1stGen iPad HomeScreen 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
2010 Was the year of the iPad! The tablet that revolutionized the struggling tablet market! Apple priced it competitively at $499. Your investment would’ve been worth$750 or 50.46% today!
iPad 2nd Gen 150x150 Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products...
Last Tuesday, Steve Jobs introduced the iPad 2 for the same price!
What do you think this would be worth in 5 years if you decide to buy Apple shares today?
(I’ll update this post on March 2, 2016, be sure to check back! icon smile Had You Bought Apple Shares Instead Of Apple Products... )

طبعا الكتاب بطرافة يقول الآن نزل الآيباد2 .. فهل ستشتري أسهم أبل؟

أنا متحمس من زمان لأسهم الشركة .. لكن مع الخبر في أول التدوينة .. اتوقع بأنه يجب أن ننتظر حتى يعود ستيف من إجازة الطبية .. 

أو لا يعود 